Diet Is Not Enough

Lior Avni
2 min readSep 13, 2021

Since wholistic medicine has become more popular, technology has become more advanced, and chronic, degenerative diseases more prevalent, people have become obsessed with diet. And it is important. But just eating a perfect diet is not enough to prevent or cure disease and increase quality of life.

Exercise is important too, and even this people get wrong or overdo it. Most people who are fit do strength training, cardio, and stretching. But this is time consuming and requires money as well as a thorough education to do it right.

That is why I grew to be interested in exercises from the East and how they influence longevity. Tai Chi, Yoga, and Qi Gong are aspects of internal exercise and can strengthen, tone, and stretch the body all at the same time. They require education in theory and practice, but once you know it, you know how to do it on your own.

I think internal exercise could change the Western world. I myself have mastered Qi Gong and know hatha yoga. It has helped me stay fit and age with integrity.

Diet is not enough. You could eat a perfect, organic, vegetarian diet and still be sick, fat, and unhealthy if you do not live an active life. The best thing with figuring out which diet and exercise regimen is right for you is to look at your interests and personality, and see what lifestyle is most realistic for you to stick with. I like walking, qi gong, and pescatarian diet. It works for me and it doesn’t do any harm.

So don’t obsess about organic, grass fed beef or the finest coffee from South America. It doesn’t make a big difference in the long run. Think about results and balance it with what you can do today and tomorrow and keep consistent with day in an day out.

People like talking about nutrition because people like eating. But they are focusing in on too narrow a scope. In health, there are other factors like exercise and sleep and psychology. So when you read articles on nutrition, take them with a grain of salt. Your body knows what is good for it. Nutrition knowledge just helps you make more informed decisions.

So I will keep up my exercise regimen, eat healthy and simple food, and do everything I can to maintain my sanity. Success comes from consistent hard work and a dream that you can accomplish the final result. So my journey continues.

